Tuesday 26 October 2010

Just Do It

"A badly designed road sign might kill you'"

The Works Skatepark have a Facebook page which is a great way of advertising themselves with news and events, however I came across this post today and had no idea myself about this weeks opening times? I checked the website like anyone would I spose and found nothing. I may have missed it I don't know but this is a problem that could easily resolved.

Is it my job to identify stuff like this?

Hey if you want a simple advert like this, it wont take me more than 15 mins?!
F**k it I wouldn't even charge an hourly rate.... I might just do it for fun :)...

If your reading this post, 
Hi My name is Peter Sands and I design stuff.

* I also posted this to my Design Context blog, but it was just something I done to kind of reflect a talk I had with my tutors on maybe asking myself what is good design / or / what is a good designer? 

Is a good designer someone who identifies a problem and turns it round in a matter of minuets, hours or months?

is it someone who can make things look amazing and not makes a deadline for example?

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